Event date: 9/19/2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Export event
NASWCO Chapter
/ Categories: Committee Meetings

Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (JEDI) Committee Meeting

This committee aims to organize social workers at all stages of their learning and career across the state of Colorado to dismantle barriers to resources and opportunities in society so that all individuals and communities can live full and dignified lives through direct and collective action.

The committee is group-led and encourages brave conversations to guide our goals. We are looking for members who can dedicate time each month to identify issues in the social work field and work toward outlining goals and strategies to address these issues. If you want to work towards rooting anti-oppression and anti-racist work in your practice and create change at the state level, please join us!

Pre-registration is not required & ALL (members & non-members) are welcome in this space.

Help determine our meeting times and outreach strategies by taking our survey!

Have questions or need more information? Please contact:

Leanne Rupp, MSW, LCSW (NASW-CO Executive Director) at lrupp.naswco@socialworkers.org

Amanda Marsh Baranski DSW, LCSW (Chair of NASW-CO JEDI Committee) at amarsh29@msudenver.edu


Monthly Zoom Info:

Topic: NASW-CO JEDI Committee Meeting
Time: 3rd Thursday of every month from 12-1pm MT

Join Zoom Meeting

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Passcode: 747004
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