Legislative Committee Meeting
The Legislative Committee reviews policy issues that deserve the attention of legislators and other officials, and develops a set of legislative priorities for the Chapter on an annual basis. Depending on the issues and opportunities at hand, members may provide testimony to legislative committees, help to draft proposed legislation, or monitor current bills and outcomes for the chapter.
Members are encouraged to join our Legislative Committee meetings. During the legislative season (January to May) the Committee meets the first and third Wednesdays from Noon - 1pm virtually via Zoom (all meetings are currently virtual due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic). Outside of the legislative season the Committee generally meets 1x/month (on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from noon-1pm via Zoom) in the Fall from August-December in order to prepare for the upcoming Legislative Session.
Zoom information:
Topic: NASW-CO Legislative Committee Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/97327761418?pwd=Y2h4TytsMVlTb1hieGdKeVlXZ1FlUT09
Meeting ID: 973 2776 1418
Passcode: 799363
Call-in #: 1-669-900-6833
For more information, please contact Sarah Lincoln, Legislative Committee chair at sarahlinco@comcast.net.
Another way to be involved is to join our Legislative Committee email distribution list and/or Advocacy Alerts. - please email the NASW-CO Executive Director, Leanne Rupp, at LRupp.naswco@socialworkers.org to inquire about being added to the email distribution list &/or Advocacy Alerts list.