Practice Standards Committee
The Practice Standards Committee meets monthly (*please note: the Committee does NOT meet during the months of July & December each year) virtually via Zoom so that members can join and participate from wherever they are located around the state - we welcome all members to this space. The Committee has a consultative process that handles questions from members. Please contact chapter Executive Director, Leanne Rupp ( for more information about the process of submitting a consultation request to the committee.
The purpose of the Committee on Practice Standards is to examine areas of all social work practice and develop guidelines of ethical conduct. This committee does not function in lieu of the NASW-CO Ethics Committee, but rather in addition to such a committee. The Committee on Practice Standards focuses on areas in which standards of practice have not been developed, as well as areas where questions may have come forth regarding unclear interpretations of existing standards. The committee may issue advisory opinions regarding the practice of social work.
The Committee has a consultative process that handles questions from members. This process guides members in the ethical decision-making process, but does not provide supervision or give legal advice. The Committee will accept questions/issues that have an impact on social work practice. You are invited to attend a meeting by Zoom/phone to bring the question/issue for discussion. Please contact the NASW Chapter Executive Director, Leanne Rupp at to request the issue be added to a meeting agenda.
Monthly recurrent Zoom information:
Topic: NASW-CO/CSCSW Practice Standards Committee Meeting
Time: Monthly on the 2nd Friday of each month from 9:30am-11am Mountain time (the committee does NOT meet in the months of July & December)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 975 1720 8207
Passcode: 527217
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Meeting ID: 975 1720 8207
Passcode: 527217
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