PACE (Political Action for Candidate Election) Committee Meeting
PACE is a political action committee and stands for Political Action for Candidate Election. The Chapter PACE Committee is mandated if the Chapter receives PACE funding. They are responsible for developing a strategy for statewide political action around state and local elections. The Committee is appointed by the Board but is responsible for a separate bank account handling PACE funds. The Committee selects its own chair and treasurer. The Committee has full authority to make endorsement and contribution to candidate and other financial decisions concerning PACE funds.
PACE is the political action arm and a subsidiary of NASW. As a political action committee, PACE endorses and financially contributes to candidates who support NASW's policy agenda, irrespective of party affiliation. The national PACE Board of Trustees endorses and contributes to federal candidates running for U.S. House and Senate seats; state chapter PACE Committees decide on local and state races. Federal, state, and local policies directly affect social work practice and programs for the people we serve; therefore, it is essential to elect legislators who share NASW's policy positions, which are published in Social Work Speaks. Using these policies as a guide, NASW-CO endorses candidates and lobbies lawmakers to enact effective public policies.
Please join us for the next PACE Committee Meeting, where the committee will shift discussion to planning for "get out the vote" efforts & volunteerism opportunities for the candidates that have been endorsed by the Committee/Chapter during the 2024 Election Cycle!
Zoom info:
Topic: NASW-CO PACE Committee Meeting
Time: Thursday, September 12, 2024 from 5:30-6:30pm MT
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 840 4319 3825
Passcode: 060560
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Meeting ID: 840 4319 3825
Passcode: 060560
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