Curious about social workers in politics? Join the NASW-CO Denver Region Co-Representatives Vanessa Alarcón and Dr. Antoinette Gomez during election season for a panel presentation: "Social Workers in Politics". Hear from social workers who are running or have run for office in your area, and from those who are engaged in legislative work at the Colorado Capitol to help shape policy! Panelists include social workers who are running for office in Northern (Sarah McKeen - HD 51) & Central (Rep. Emily Sirota - HD 9 & Gretchen Rydin - HD 38) Colorado, as well as social workers who are serving on City Council (Adam Nowicki - Northglenn City Council) & as contract lobbyists (Jennifer Miles - Frontline Public Affiars) for the association.
Earn 1 CE Credit (FREE for NASW members; $15 for non-members) for attending!